Who were the eight gods of the Ogdoad ?
The major cult center of the eight Ogdoad deity was Hermopolis. However a popular website called tourEgypt states Heliopolis as the primary place of worship. In Egyptian myths by Hart it states that the Ogdoad predates the Ennead of Heliopolis. On nemo.com they claim that the Ogdoad were eight reptiles.
Hermopolis was named by the Greeks as the city of Hermes and Hermes was the messenger of the Gods and a guide to the Underworld. The Greeks don't form a culture for thousands of years after the beginning of the Egyptian dynasties however.
The Egyptian creation myth of Ogdoad emphasizes that eight primeval forces or primordial essences or states of chaos were the elements of life which preceded all other life in Egypt and on earth.
So who were the formulators of the Hermopolitan cosmogeny ?
Here's how Hart describes it.
One frog god and one snake goddess unite in a concept of male/female principles.
The four gods of the Ogdoad are Nu, Heb, Kek, Amun.
The four goddesses of the Ogdoad are Naunet, Haubet, Kauket, Amaunet.
Nu and Naunet unite in primordial waters, Heb and Haubet unite in kinetic flood forces, Kek and Kauket form in darkness, and Amun and Amaunet form in concealed dynamism. All this cosmic energy is dividing the singularity into duality in bursts of energy that occur before the rising of the first sun or the time before the genesis of the solar system. Thus the chaos gods or the eight Ogdoad deity create the Isle of Flame or the fire in the sky. In the Ogdoad myth therefore
Atum is created after the chaos gods explosive dynamo of duality. Like Hart states, they are the father's and mother's of Atum.
The Ogdoad gods were worshipped during the Old Kingdom. During this 550 year period their were cults within united Egypt who worshipped Hathor and Ra, while others moved towards Hathor and Thoth. By 2400 BC when the Old Kingdom is failing as a united kingdom under one Pharoah the emergence of a nine Ennead deity belief is gaining momentum. The Ennead cults are focused in Heliopolis in Lower Egypt, near present day Cairo.
The major cult center of the eight Ogdoad deity was Hermopolis. However a popular website called tourEgypt states Heliopolis as the primary place of worship. In Egyptian myths by Hart it states that the Ogdoad predates the Ennead of Heliopolis. On nemo.com they claim that the Ogdoad were eight reptiles.
Hermopolis was named by the Greeks as the city of Hermes and Hermes was the messenger of the Gods and a guide to the Underworld. The Greeks don't form a culture for thousands of years after the beginning of the Egyptian dynasties however.
The Egyptian creation myth of Ogdoad emphasizes that eight primeval forces or primordial essences or states of chaos were the elements of life which preceded all other life in Egypt and on earth.
So who were the formulators of the Hermopolitan cosmogeny ?
Here's how Hart describes it.
The number of either gods or goddesses in the Hermopolitan myth is far from fortuitous....
The eight of Hermopolis were(structured as four couples) were personified entities within the primeval matter, with the gods envisaged as frogs, and the goddesses as snakes.......
The names of these eight deities survive, but it is difficult in some cases to conjure the exact mental image which ancient Egyptians would have seen.
One frog god and one snake goddess unite in a concept of male/female principles.
The four gods of the Ogdoad are Nu, Heb, Kek, Amun.
The four goddesses of the Ogdoad are Naunet, Haubet, Kauket, Amaunet.
Nu and Naunet unite in primordial waters, Heb and Haubet unite in kinetic flood forces, Kek and Kauket form in darkness, and Amun and Amaunet form in concealed dynamism. All this cosmic energy is dividing the singularity into duality in bursts of energy that occur before the rising of the first sun or the time before the genesis of the solar system. Thus the chaos gods or the eight Ogdoad deity create the Isle of Flame or the fire in the sky. In the Ogdoad myth therefore
Atum is created after the chaos gods explosive dynamo of duality. Like Hart states, they are the father's and mother's of Atum.
The Ogdoad gods were worshipped during the Old Kingdom. During this 550 year period their were cults within united Egypt who worshipped Hathor and Ra, while others moved towards Hathor and Thoth. By 2400 BC when the Old Kingdom is failing as a united kingdom under one Pharoah the emergence of a nine Ennead deity belief is gaining momentum. The Ennead cults are focused in Heliopolis in Lower Egypt, near present day Cairo.
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