The image depicts the pyramids at Giza with three smaller pyramids in the forefront dedicated to Menkaure associates.
The fifth dynasty remains a part of the Old Kingdom of Egypt.
Dynasty 4 ends when Menkaura, Shepseskaf, and Djedefptah, in a short spurt of time (untime), turn the Egyptian zeitgeist or spirit of time. We are now in the years 2532 BC to 2500 BC. Political powers are moving quickly within Egypt. The unified kingdom seems to be destabilizing. The central white walled house of Memphis and it's god king is being questioned for it's authority on what is divine law and what isn't divine law. (note to self....why is DiVinCi so close to divine- answer to self..look up grand master of grand masters of the stonemasons... ).
Again we turn to our collective encyclopedia called the Internet wikipedia-how f#%$#^ avant garde is that - for a king list of dynasty 5 pyramids and get the following pyramid structures for dynasty 5 which is focused between Saqqare and Abusir...Abusir seems to be a new addition to the Egyptian lore. It lies north of Saqqara, therefore closer to the Mediterranean which already shows some Mesopotamian or even Greek influence. And already we are only at 2500 BC circa.
The list..
The king list of dynasty 5 Egypt...
- Userkaf
- Sahure
- Neferirkare Kakai
- Shepseskare Isi
- Neferefre
- Nyuserre Ini
- Menkauhor Kaiu
- Djedkare Isesi
- Unas
Check out the pacific Hawaiin connection here....land of Lemuria etal....
There is debate that the rule of the fifth dynasty comes from behind the white walls of Memphis, but argument as it that fifth dynasty kings ruled form Elephantine (from Manetho's notes). Elephantine is interesting in that it is located on the border of upper egypt and lower egypt.
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