In approximately the year 3100 BC the Archaic Period begins. This is when names likes Menes, Narmer, and others get entangled into what become Egypt dynasties 1 and 2. The Old Kingdom of the Egyptian timeline involves dynasties 3 though 6 and by the end of this unified Egypt period we get a Intermediate Period where major dissidence occurs. During this first Egyptian intermediate period loyalty to the Pharoah fades and central government is all but abandonned. This goes on through dynasties 7 through 10.
The Middle Kingdom is a reunificated period of Pharoanic rule and the evolution of the Egyptian king list sees names like Amenemhet, Senwosret, and Nefrusobek, added to it. The Middle Egyptian Kingdom covers dynasties 11 through 13. The centralized government again breaks apart and dynasties 14 through 17 are a Second Egyptian Intermediate Period.
A New Kingdom once again reunifies the centralized one ruler Egypt in dynasty 20 and the following names are added to the evolution of the Egyptian king list.
- Ahmose
- Amenhotep 1, 2, 3
- Thutmose 1, 2, 3, 4
- Khenmetamun
- Akhenaten
- Smenkhkare
- Tutankhamen
- Meryamun 1, 2
- Ramesses
- Seti
- Setepenre
As before the central power of a Pharoanic god man leader can't hold the Egyptians from revolting and a Third Egyptian Intermediate Period seperates the kingdom where dynasty periods 21 through 25 are played out.
Late Period Egypt brings in the Ptolemy rulers and the Greeks influenced followed by Rome and Ceasar. During dynasties 21 through 30 the Cleopatra's and other names are added to the evolution of the Egyptian king list.
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