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Monday, February 22, 2010

Temple of Edfu

The year is 237 BC and the Temple of Edfu honoured to Horus, son of Osiris and Isis, is designed and ready to be built in Egypt, between the cataract at
Aswan and Luxor.
In 237 BC is in Cleopatra VII's Ptolemaic dynasty. In 57 BC when the Temple of Edfu is completed.
This is a time of great change in Egypt. In 320 BC the city of Alexandria replaces Memphis as the capital of Egypt as the Greeks were shifting the paradigm of Pharoah rule. Alexander the Great had removed the Persians from Egypt rule in 332 BC. He was named Pharoah of Memphis but found the land which became Alexandria more accomodationg to his style of rule. Part of the Greek changes can be seen in the
infrastructure such as the roads and the methods of travel and trade up and down the Nile and through Greek style canals.
The Greek Pharoah of Memphis dies at the age of 38 (323 BC) and his generals split up his Empire amongst them. Ptolemy takes Egypt as his heritage. Thus we get Ptolemy I Soter. Ptolemy I's rule of Egypt was a transition which took a few decades. The next few centuries of Egypt are a mixture of Egyptian ancient beliefs and Greek philosophy and pantheonic influence.
Ptolemy I Soter's Egyptian monicker was Meryamun Setepenre or "Beloved of Amun, Chosen of Re".
The transition to power was a merger between Monarch Hellenistic rule and Pharoanic god-king rule.
Ptolemy I Soter, the saviour, created a new god named Serapis made up of Greek Egyptian deity rituals. The Egyptian rituals he supposedly learned under the advice of Demetrius Phalereus who was head of the Alexandria Library and the mind behind the Mouseion ( the University of Alexandria). The Serapeion of Alexandria was a temple dedicated to the new god. The Serapis cult seems to have taken off with Greeks but not so much with Egyptians.
Meanwhile back in Edfu, or Edfou as the french would have it.
Can we see this Greco influence in the relatively small city of Edfi and in the Horus Temple of Edfu ?
The Temple of Edfu faces North to South and is built above a New Egypt kingdom smaller temple which faced east to west. A much older structure called the Tell Edfu (tell being synonymous to settlement ). Historians believe this settlement contains evidence that this Wedjeset-Hor Tell was a province and capital of the Second Upper Egypt nome. Such influence goes back all the way to predynastic Egypt or eras predating 3100 BC.
Seven small pyramids dating back to Egypt dynasty 3 and attributed to King Huni are situated 5 kms south of Edfu.
The Greco influenced Temple of Edfu is sometimes referred to as the Temple at Apollonopolis Magna (Edfu to the Greco-Roman) dedicated to the chief god Horus-Apollo.
This size of this Egyptian Temple to Horus Apollo at Edfu is second only to another Temple in Karnak.
more on the Temple of Edfu at wikipedia

Extant pieces of the Royal Annals

What are the extant pieces of the Royal Annals ?

The Royal Annals are lists of Egyptian King's that were carved on stones during the Fifth Dynasty. These stela are fragmented or worn by time.

The Palermo stone or Palermo Stela for example is a piece of black basalt dated to the 25th century BC which is a portion of a wall which had inscriptions on both sides.

There are several fragments but whether all of these fragments are from the same wall is debatable since they were found in antique markets. The largest of these fragments is called the Palermo stone because it is held in a museum in Palermo. There are five other fragments called Cairo stones held in Cairo. The last of the seven fragments is called the London Fragment and held at the University College of London.

The list of king's names inscribed on the stones dates back to pre dynastic Egypt or some time before 3100 BC.

The portions of the wall which held information on the first few Egypt dynasties are missing.

Other similar stones such as the Turin Canon dated to the 13th century BC and the Karnak list of Kings exist.

The Palermo stone and the other fragments are important for scholars and Egyptologists. The debate argues the true role of the Kings of the first dynasty of Egypt. It is possible that King Menes who is often credited as unifying Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt was simply the war strategist who re - unified the bonds of older pre dynastic kings.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Dynasties in Egypt

The dynasties in Egypt is where it all begins for the Pharoah.

The first dynasty in Egypt rises when King Menes unifies regions above Aswan, Upper Egypt, and the delta kingdoms that dot the lower Egyptian lands towards the Meditteranean sea. King Menes is a mythical figure by some accounts and probably an analog of King Narmer.

Narmer was a southern African ruler who began conquering the tribes to the North. The north of Egypt is considered lower Egypt because it lies on land situated down stream on the Nile.

Egypt Dynasty 1 starts in 3050 BC and goes to 2890 BC.

Then there are 30 more dynasties in Egypt followed by the GrecoRoman period that present the Macedonian Kings and the Ptolemaic Dynasties. Inside the Ptolemaic dynasties we find the story of Cleopatra and Ceasar.

Names of importance in these dynasties in Egypt.

See Dynasties in Egypt


Saturday, February 20, 2010

Ethiopia Nile

The Rift Valley separates the Northwestern and Southeastern plateaus of Ethiopia.

Waters from Lake Tana of Ethiopia and other sources run into the Blue Nile and meet up with the waters of the White Nile at Khartoum in Sudan where they continue to flow northwards toward the Meditteranean Sea.

The Great Rift Valley is very susceptible to earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and droughts.

Ethiopian archeological artifacts such as fossilized bone shows this region of the world as potentially being the site of the earliest homonids.

The remains of a character called Lucy were located in the Awash valley of the Afar region of Ethiopia. Carbon dating has led scientists to believe Lucy lived in the Ethiopian region some 3.2 million years ago.

In about 3000 BC, at about the time when the Upper and Lower Egypt regions were being united, there is evidence that trade routes were established between Ethiopia and Egypt. By some accounts the Ethiopian influence at this time were the Punt but this is not a proven fact since no one has quite been able to find evidence to pinpoint the origins of the Punt. These people are recorded as being traders of myrrh products, fine metals such as gold, etc....all of which were available in the mountainous terrain of Ethiopia.

Ethiopia doesn't seem to have had a really great culture until the kingdom of Axum came along in the first century AD.

D'mt existed in the northern Ethiopia in the 7th or 8th century BC. The D'mt site shows it to have been a necropolis and a ritual site. The kingdom of Axum seems to be an advancement on the D'mt customs.

A bit of Ethiopia can be sensed through this video.

      Burundi Nile

      The Burundy topography is similar to that of Rwanda. The Burundy Nile supplies some of the water of the area.

      The hills and valleys hold some swampy marshland and fresh water lakes.

      The waters in the hills and valleys of Burundy drain ito the bigger Blue Nile tributary which surrounds Lake Victoria. Again like Rwanda the inhabitants of Burundy are made up of Twa, Hutu, and Tutsi tribes. The name Burundy was given to the small country of less than 30 thousand square miles with a population of nearly 9 million after it gained it's independence from European colonies who'd invaded Rwanda and Urundi.

      Burundy is amongst the poorest countries in the world. While the land can be farmed year round, domestic problems along with over population can't raise them above this slavery to poverty.

      Tanzania Nile

      The Tanzania Nile basin consists of several rivers.

      Lake Victoria is approximately half into Tanzania territory. There are many rivers that flow through Tanzania and empty into Lake Victoria that can be considered minor Nile sources.

      For example the Mara River flows from the southern border of Kenya into Tanzania and then reach Lake Victoria.

      Other rivers that flow into Lake Victoria from inside Tanzania.

      • Isanga River
      • Kadasi River
      • Mori River
      • Ruwana River
      • Simiyu River
      • Kagera River

      The history of human habitation along these rivers and inside Tanzania.

      This like other surrounding African countries is considered to be some of the oldest land on earth to have been occupied by homonids and humans. The earliest hunter gatherers built communities that likely were cushitic or Khoisan speaking.

      At the beginning of the Christian Era, some 2000 years ago, Bantu speaking African culture took the land around Tanzania through migrations from the west of Africa. Travellers and merchants have come and gone since and changed the political powers.

      This Mara Croc video might be a bit of a tell on what the early inhabitants were up against. Not the best place to go swimming.

      Rwanda Nile

      Rwanda, land of a thousand hills, has a cool climate considering that it is situated close to the equator. The mountains make this possible.
      The Rwanda Nile plays a major role in the water supply to Rwanda people. The Rwanda Nile is part of the White Nile. Rwanda does however have many other sources of water such has fresh water lakes.

      There have been inhabitants in the geographic area since the paleolithic stone age.
      The Twa or Batwa gatherer hunter tribes were likely the first to settle along the Rwanda Nile and the Great Lakes Region of central Africa.

      Evidence indicates that the Twa were overpowered by the Hutu tribes (Bantu speaking and farmers who's numbers grew quicker that the pigmy hunter-gatherers). Another Bantu speaking tribe known as the Tutsi came along in approximately 1500 AD and overpowered the remaining Twa and the Hutu. The Tutsi were cattle ranchers and some sources say they entered Rwanda via the Horn of Africa (northeast Africa/Somali peninsula). Other sources claim they were dissident Twa and Hutu revolutionists.

      The Rwanda tribes have been feuding since the subjugation and the Twa, who are small in numbers, have basically been watching their numbers deteriorate with the battles.

      This fighting reached an holocaust level in 1994 when hundreds of thousands lost their life in genocidal homicides.

      The Rwanda Nile meanwhile continues to flow in this mountainous country of central Africa.

      Kenya Nile

      Zaire Nile

      Egypt Nile

      Sudan Nile

      The Sudan Nile influence is as great as the size of the country itself.

      In Sudan the Nile River divides the largest country in Africa between east and west.

      At the northern end of Sudan the Nubian culture grew and shared with Egypt great portions of land. The Nubian kingdom was an independent ancient kingdom.

      At Khartoum the Blue Nile and White Nile join into one river.

      By 5000 BC there is evidence of a neolithic revolution going on in both Upper and Lower Nubia ( southern Egypt ).

      Nile cataracts are shallow areas of river. There are six cataracts between Aswan in Egypt and Khartoum in Sudan. Aswan is the first dot on the map in Egypt. This is the seperation line between Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt and plays a major role in the King Nasser move to unify Egypt and begin the Egyptian Pharoah dynasties.

      These cataracts are so shallow that navigation becomes impossible. However they become navigable during flood season.

      The Blue Nile

      The Blue Nile originates at Lake Tana in Ethiopia and flows downstream towards Khartoum in Sudan. In Arabic it is called the an-Nil-al-Azraq.

      The Blue Nile is a tributary, like the White Nile, and flows into the greater Nile. A tributary by definition feeds a river that flows into a sea or ocean. A tributary does not empty it's water into the sea or ocean directly.

      The waters from Lake Tana reach a 250 mile long stretch of canyon where the speed of the river make it a nearly impossible river to navigate commercially.

      At the Lake Tana area the river is commonly recognized as the Abbay river. This river section is revered as a holy place. The history of evolution is played out at this area of Ethiopia. Some people think the Abbay is Gihon in the Book of Genesis Eden story. Less theological people might disagree on the Biblical connotations regarding the role of Ethiopia in the evolution of humanity but even these secular scientists have to agree with the evolution markers left in Ethiopia by archeological artifacts such as the 3.2 million year old bones of Lucy.

      The Blue Nile enters Sudan and meets up with the Nile at Khartoum.

      The White Nile

      The White Nile flows through Southern African countries and reaches Sudan through a complex system of rough and often non navigable rapid waters.

      Good for rafters but not much use to traders who depend on a water way for a trading route.

      The White Nile is one of the two main tributaries of the Nile River. A tributary is by definition a stream or river that flows into a main or parent river and not directly into the ocean or the sea.

      The Arabic name of this White tributary river is an-Nil-al-Abyad.

      The White Nile is some 2300 miles long. It bifurcates from the main Nile at Khartoum in Sudan and runs up stream towards Lake Victoria and into the countries of Uganda, Burundi, Rwanda, Tanzania, Kenya, Zaire (Congo).

      The portion of the White Nile nearest Lake Victoria is often referred to as the Victoria Nile. As the Victoria Nile enters Sudan it becomes known as the Mountain Nile or River of the Mountain, or even the Bahr Al Jabal. This portion of the river reaches Lake No where it becomes the White Nile from Juba, Sudan, to Khartoum, Sudan.

      Uganda Nile

      What makes up the Nile

      Here's an attempt at understanding what makes up the Nile river system of Egypt.


      Relief on Temple of Seti Wall at Abydos. This image is often used to support theories of advanced knowledge of flight.

      Abydos city, or royal necropolis, was built to honor Egypts first kings.

      The Greek word Abydos in Egyptian is Abdju and it is an ancient city is located 11 kms west of the Upper Nile.

      Abdju is more of a reference to the eight nome and it's capital city of Abydos. The hieroglyphic equivalent of Abdju is 3bdw.

      Friday, February 19, 2010

      Ankh of Maat

      Ma'at was an Egyptian deity, by some accounts brought to life by Ra.

      She was revered in cults all over Egypt.

      She was the divine ruler who could keep the energy of the elements balanced. This synergy was equally applicable to stars as it was to any element that could fall away from a balanced and just position.

      She was seeked when chaos was troubling the body and the soul.

      Ma'at is the female equivalent of Thoth.

      If Thoth is scientific reasoning then Ma'at is divine spiritual wisdom.

      What does the Ankh of Maat represent ?

      Thoth and Maat find themselves riding in the boat of Ra but this is an older myth considering the bigger picture of all things.

      Maat is much older than the Ra concept where Ra is an incarnation of Atum.

      Thoth is the original Ibis.

      Ibis is a Greek word that can be traced back to the ancient Egyptian glyph hb or hib. The Sacred Ibis is a bird that looks a lot like a vulture and it is often associated to Thoth.

      Interestingly mummified Ibises are not uncommon in the ancient Egypt akashic record.

      Crystal at crystalinks supplies us with a bit of info on Thoth. This image was taken from that site and is sub headed " Thoth and Seti at Abydos".

      More interesting however is the suggestion that Thoth's feminine counterpart was Seshat.

      Who is Seshat ?

      Again according to crystalinks Seshat is the consort Queen/wife of Thoth the Scribe. Thoth, the deity who writes the history of humanity through time.

      Seshat invented writing according to myth which allowed time events to be recorded, therefore she becomes the matron of knowledge. Seshat was a female scribe and priestess and as the consort of Thoth, the goddess of scribes.

      Notice in the image that Thoth is Ankh'ing Seti.

      Who is Seti ?

      Seti is the father of Ramesses II who is 3rd King of the 19th Dynasty and husband of Nefertari ( only one of his consort wives ). However she is such a favorite that she becomes the idol of one of the palaces at Abu Sembal.

      But wait Seti might also be Set which is the dark jackal brother of Osiris.

      This image is found at Abydos and shows Seti I offering a sheperds staff to lord Horus. Painted on the wall of the Temple of Seti I at Abydos.

      Black Jackal Ankh

      Getting Ankh'ed seems to be a ritual of choice in ancient Egypt.

      This image depicts the black jackal Ankh'ing some deity figure. The black jackal is usually Set, brother of Osiris, Isis, and Nephtys. But the son of Set, Anubis is also depicted with a black animal mask.

      Nephtys is a mysterious feminine figure who is considered head of the house, IMO probably associated to the bask or cat divinity. Nephtys is master of the death rituals. Anubis is also considered the patron of embalming.

      This similar image is of a relief on a pillar at Karnak. It is Isis ankh'ing Nefertari, wife of Ramesses II of the Karnak palaces and tombs legends. Ramesses 2 is 3rd King of the 19th dynasty. This is 1279 to 1213 BC.

      Queen Ahmose Nefertari is another egyptian lady which is present in the 18th dynasty. This is 1550 to 1525 BC. She is a Nubian Queen and the mother of Amenhotep I who becomes the second king of the 18th dynasty.

      Follow link for lineage of Queen Ahmose Nefertari

      Ankh Healing

      I came across this Ankh Healing and electromagnetism discussion while doing research on Apophis 2004MN4 99942 and gravitational keyholes.

      It's Friday and I am hoping to dig deeper into this stuff over the next few days.

      Ankh vibrational healing at Assata Shakur Forums

      Wednesday, February 17, 2010

      Ka En Ankh Nereru

      Ka-En-Ankh-Nereru, according to a Carol Rose encyclopedia of monsters and giants, is a cosmic serpent who's body stretches through the total darkness of the night skies. This is lore found in the Book of the Coming Forth into Day.

      At first it may appear that Ka En Ankh Nereru is an analog of Apep the demon serpent of the night sky but if explains that idea away.

      From blackdrago

      • a creature of the wurm species
      • Ka En Ankh Nereru is a cosmic serpent who covers the night sky. Unlike Apep this dragon or serpent does not fight the sun god Ra, but rather allows or assists Ra in rejuvenating himself so that he may make a new sun rise in the morning.

      Being of the wurm species is interesting. Again from blackdrago.

      • Also known as Guivre, Worm, and Wyrm. These dragons are completely limbless, leaving no legs nor wings for them. However, they are usually huge serpentile creatures with thick bodies.
      • Most portrayal of these creatures hold a snake like head and body type. However many have begun portraying them with wedge shaped heads.

      The wedge shaped head could likely be incorporated into the mystery of the Seth animal mask which is of a shape not well understood except that it could be some type of jungle Aardvark.

      Someone with a little imagination could connect Ka En Ankh Nereru dragon or serpent to the dark rift that covers the night skies.

      Otherwise someone might connect Worm Wood of the biblical prophecies to Ka En Ankh Nereru somehow.



      The Serene Dragon - other serpents and dragons in Egypt

      isis leads nefertari

      Isis leads Nefartari by placing an Ankh to her mouth.

      This symbolic ritual will have her take in the breath of the afterlife.

      Nefertari was one of the wives of Ramesses II who ruled Egypt from about 1279 to 1213 BC. Ramesses the Great was 3rd King of the 19th dynasty.

      Abu Simbel are two temples erected to honor Nefertari and Ramesses II, the great Egyptian ruler of the 13th century BC.

      Anubis and the Ankh

      Anubis and the Ankh are found in old Kingdom Egyptian writings.
      Anubis to the the Greeks is Inpu. The jackal headed deity of the old kingdom (c. 3100 BC ) is associated to burial ceremonies and mummification rites. Somehow his magical essence summons some spirit of the afterlife.
      The old kingdom cult to lord Anubis is moved over to Osiris in the Middle Kingdom Egypt dynasties.
      Anubis symbols often depict the jackal head in the color black but by some accounts this is a reference to the black earth found in Nile Valley. It might also be a reference to the rotting dark flesh of the dead.
      However arguments have it that the dark headed figure symbolizes the original Kemet Africans who inhabit the Upper Nile area.
      Anubis is also often shown carrying an Ankh symbol by the eye.
      The eye of what ??????
      This could be answered as the Eye of Ra but that would only be speculation.

      The color of Egypt

      What was the skin color of Egypt humans before the kingdoms and dynasties came along ?

      Black Africans built and ruled Ancient Kemet states the following youTube vid.

      The argument is that the original Kemet culture was suppressed into slavery and that any roots of their existance was covered up as best as possible.

      The word Kemet is the root of Kemetic.

      KM.T is believed to be the Hieroglyphic symbol which developed into the word Kemet (Kermit).

      From the abarim publications name vault we are given the following etymology of the title Egypt.

      The name Egypt is an English rendering of the Greek name Aiguptos, which in turn is a transliteration of the Egyptian Hwt-Ptah, which means Temple of Ptah. The Egyptians themselves named their country Keme, which means the Black Land. In the Bible the country of Egypt is always denoted by the name Mizraim.

      So where is this going ?

      The color of Egypt is a follow up post. In the initial post we were looking for similarities between the Ankh and the Chi Rho symbols. The Ankh is Egyptian while the Chi Rho is a later appearance and Christian.

      The origin of the Ankh symbol is not fully understood. What is known is that it predates the Christian period by many centuries and likely can be traced back to the religious rituals of the pre dynastic Kemet tribes.

      So we continue to dig......

      Sites of interest

      Kemet Online

      Kamitic TV

      Comparing the Ankh symbol to the Chi Rho

      The Ankh symbol is an ancient Egyptian Symbol.

      The Chi Rho symbol is more closely related to Christianity.

      The Ankh and the Chi Rho have many things in common.

      The Ankh has a staff which is completed by a circular eye similar to the eye in a sewing needle. This staff is broken below the eye by an horizontal line and the whole thing form a bit of a cross.

      The Chi Rho is a Greek symbol made up of the Greek letter P and X where the X serves to cross the P in a similar was as does the horizontal line on the Ankh.

      The Ankh is much holder than the Chi Rho.

      Both symbols represent eternal energy or great energy - chi and rho.

      Interestingly the word Egypt is a Greek invention which represents the land of the black.

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