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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Comparing the Ankh symbol to the Chi Rho

The Ankh symbol is an ancient Egyptian Symbol.

The Chi Rho symbol is more closely related to Christianity.

The Ankh and the Chi Rho have many things in common.

The Ankh has a staff which is completed by a circular eye similar to the eye in a sewing needle. This staff is broken below the eye by an horizontal line and the whole thing form a bit of a cross.

The Chi Rho is a Greek symbol made up of the Greek letter P and X where the X serves to cross the P in a similar was as does the horizontal line on the Ankh.

The Ankh is much holder than the Chi Rho.

Both symbols represent eternal energy or great energy - chi and rho.

Interestingly the word Egypt is a Greek invention which represents the land of the black.


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