In Sudan the Nile River divides the largest country in Africa between east and west.
At the northern end of Sudan the Nubian culture grew and shared with Egypt great portions of land. The Nubian kingdom was an independent ancient kingdom.
At Khartoum the Blue Nile and White Nile join into one river.
By 5000 BC there is evidence of a neolithic revolution going on in both Upper and Lower Nubia ( southern Egypt ).
Nile cataracts are shallow areas of river. There are six cataracts between Aswan in Egypt and Khartoum in Sudan. Aswan is the first dot on the map in Egypt. This is the seperation line between Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt and plays a major role in the King Nasser move to unify Egypt and begin the Egyptian Pharoah dynasties.
These cataracts are so shallow that navigation becomes impossible. However they become navigable during flood season.
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